Saturday, April 23, 2016

Reps Fitness & Health Centre - A Syed Faiz Mubarak World Business Venture

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Opening Soon in Koh-e-Fiza, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

A Syed Faiz Mubarak World Business Venture

Friday, April 22, 2016

Happy Earth Day - Syed Faiz Mubarak

Celebrated on April 22, Earth Day is an annual event on which full day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Celebrated first in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year.

S.F.M. World chairman Mr. Syed Faiz Mubarak wishes each and every living being on this Earth, a very happy Earth Day.

“We should plant more trees like I have planted in my esteemed Real-Estate project Reliable’s Baghban situated at Gram Khajuri, Bhopal – Indore main express highway road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. More than 12000 fruit trees are planted in Baghban.” – Syed Faiz Mubarak

If, you want to change something, start it by changing yourself first. Not just by wishing or celebrating in parties means you are concerned with your earth. By implementing necessary things and taking effective steps and improving your environment means you are concerned. So, you must decide and take steps which really matters for a better tomorrow.

Once again, Happy Earth Day.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

S.F.M. World by Mr. Syed Faiz Mubarak

S for Syed, F for Faiz, M for Mubarak makes S.F.M. World that is not a name, or a company, or a group, or an organization, or even an individual. S.F.M. World is “THE WORLD” of not just Mr. Syed Faiz Mubarak but all the people who are associated with him and all the business organizations he has established and people working for them and are associated with them.

The concept is not simple but complicated, the effect is yet magnificent. The wonders are countless and the World is not enough. Mr. Syed Faiz Mubarak has made a name for understanding, dealing, and providing exact intact answers and solutions to the clients associated with him or his business ventures. More you will know, the more you will be fascinated.

So, this is all for today but tomorrow may or may not come. But until the next time we get in touch, Take Care….